New Design - Taggies Character Blanket - Sleepy Seas Octopus
MyTaggies - Bespoke Service
Looking for something different?
If you are looking for a very special gift or would like us to make a MyTaggies for your business or charity please get in touch - just a couple of the bespoke blankets we have made recently.
Everyone Needs A Unicorn
Just Arrived - Our New Unicorn Knitted Pram Blankets
Personalised Cotton Knitted Blankets - perfect for Spring and Summer
New Taggies Design - Cream Multi-Spot MyTaggies now available
Fresh sunshine colours
Keep Calm and Sew a Face Mask - a simple pattern with easy to follow instructions. Not something I ever thought I would be sharing. Stay safe everyone.
New Taggies Original Blankets
After several years the Taggies Original Blankets are back - 5 new desigsn, new fabrics but the same Taggies ribbon tags!
MyBlankets is open for business and are currently still dispatching orders within one working day!!
As a home based business I am very fortunate to report that I am currently operating as normal. My family and I are taking every precaution to stay healthy and mindful of others. Keep washing those hands everyone and look out for those neighbours and loved ones who are vulnerable.
Just in Time for Easter - New MyTaggies Bunnies and Airplanes Designs
MyTaggies Bunnies Design - perfect Easter Gift
Two new designs from MyTaggies - fun bright colours, super soft fabrics with our satin and textured tags - perfect for little fingers!
MyTaggies Bunnies and MyTaggies Airplanes are now available on our website.
Personalised MyTaggies blankets make the perfect stocking filler gifts
See our range of plain and patterned fabric MyTaggies including our unique Christmas design
Christmas Stockings Offer!
Buy any 2 Christmas Stockings before the end of November and received a £5.00!! discount on your order.
Latest articles. Scroll down for more